"POWER OF THE PATTERN" applied to McKesson Corp (MCK)
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continued interest in my research and wish you a truly prosperous 2018.
Last October I shared an opportunity on the blog the form of a quiz. I share quizzes like this because I use them to help me remain objective and limit asset bias. I cover up the symbols and asset names
so I'm left with only the pattern; that pattern is one I identify to be a high probability reversal or breakout.
Did you jump on this opportunity at the time? Below is the initial chart shared with members to take a position in MCK back on 10/31. I sent this 7 year pattern and potential opportunity free to my blog followers within a few days.
The opportunity was shared due to MCK touching weekly support going back to 2009!
Click Image Above to Enlarge
Relative Strength idea vs. S&P 500 MCK gained a 14%tage point advantage over the S&P 500 in just 45 days! And it took MCK only 45 days to match the YTD performance of the S&P 500
Click Image Above to Enlarge
Along with Indices, sectors, commodities, the metals & select individual stocks, these are the types of patterns and relative strength opportunities I work to identify.
I hope you found this helpful and would be honored to serve you and provide similar opportunities as a member subscriber
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